Double Testing

Write your tests once and run them twice - as both unit and integration tests - sounds like a good deal, let's take a look at this practice.

Glass-Box Testing Does Not Need Mocking

Black-box testing is testing of a component via its API without any knowledge of its implementation details. As the opposite there is the white-box testing. And it about testing implementation, right? Well, no...

Product Releasing Pipeline in AWS

Continuous delivery (CD) brings a lot of ideas essential for a modern software product deployment. In this article we discuss how to follow CD principles by building CD pipelines with an example in AWS.

Dealing with an Exception Is One Thing

Nothing new, but I keep seeing violating of this rule again and again. Let's explain why it is bad.

How to Manage AWS CloudFormation Stack Dependencies

Automated infrastructure (Infrastructure as Code) is essential to succeed (not only) in the cloud.

Challenges for Serverless Blue-Green Deployment

Serverless blue-green deployment is a nice practice. However, it doesn't come without challenges.

Transducers Compose Top-to-Bottom

Let's code some transducers and take a deeper look at how they work under the hood to see differences from pipes.

Package by Component with Clean Modules in Java

Let's find the best combination of two good architectural approaches: Package by component and Clean architecture.

JavaScript async/await in a Loop

Async/await syntax is a great technique how to deal with promises in modern JavaScript. Unfortunately it's not always easy to understand how it works which can lead to strange bugs. Let's investigate one of them.

Use-Case-Driven Testing

Why shouldn't we test the implementation? How to decouple our tests from the code? What is the reason to add a new test? Why is mocking a code smell? In this article I will try to find answers to those questions.