Learning WebAssembly #2: Wasm Binary Format
Discovering the basic representation of WebAssembly: binary and text formats.
Learning WebAssembly #1: Hello, World of Wasm!
Getting started with WebAssembly: writing and executing a simple program in Wat.
Shades of Tests
Practical examples of software testing in Java using Spring Boot Test without mocking frameworks.
The Interface Segregation Principle with Lambdas
How to implement the ISP using simple functions to reduce coupling and complexity at the same time.
Java Records Aren’t Necessarily Evil
How do Java Records fit to the object-oriented design?
Too Many Interfaces
Interfaces are good stuff. Does that mean the more the better?
What Is a Repository
Which purpose has a Repository? To which layer does it belong to? And how to implement it correctly?
Domain Collections
Collection, List and Set are terms very familiar to developers but hardly used by business experts. Therefore, they should not be part of the domain (API).
Object-Oriented Design vs. Persistence
From time to time I attend discussions about OOP. Every time someone comes up with the argument of dealing with persistence. The typical question can be reduced to “should an object persist itself or rather be persisted?” I believe the question is fundamentally wrong.
SOLID Principles in Java by Example
There are a lot of articles about the SOLID principles. But usually a different example for a particular principle is to be found. Instead, would it be nice to demonstrate all of them on a single code snippet?