Synchronized Methods vs. Semaphore

When one-thread-access for synchronized methods is too restrictive, semaphores come to mind.

Managing Asynchronous Tests

It's recommended to avoid any asynchrony within the scope of the test. Unfortunately, this is not possible everywhere.

How to Effectively Protect Critical Section

Not everywhere could be immutable objects used to ensure thread-safe code.

Application Package Manager with Ant and Java

Let's build a simple but powerful application package manager with Ant.

Ant Sequential Tasks

This article will show you how to implement an Ant task which consume a sequence of sub-task and call them with a parameter of the result from the execution.

Ant Script to Copy a Snippet of a XML to Another XML

I know, Ant is not the most modern technology, but there are still Ant-based systems we have to maintenance.

Resolving a Generic Type with Spring Framework

In the case of generic beans sometimes you need to get the generic type value for some specific reasons. A typical example could be parsing some data into the type.

Pre-processing Spring Beans of Prototype Scope

Sometimes you have a type of bean in the Spring framework which you want to create by every asking for it - in the scope prototype.

Synchronization with Modification of the Lock Reference very bad practice. Nevertheless, it is not so rare to meet it.