Data Model vs. Domain Model

ORM is a good servant but a bad master. The object-relational impedance mismatch is still there and as dangerous as ever.

Learning WebAssembly #9: AssemblyScript Basics

AssemblyScript is a free and open source TypeScript-like language that gives developers low-level control over Wasm features.

Learning WebAssembly #8: Compiling into Wasm

There are plenty of languages Wasm can be compiled from. C, Kotlin, and AssemblyScript are only a few of them.

Transactional Events Made Easy with Spring

How to publish events transactionally with RabbitMQ and Spring’s ApplicationEventPublisher.

Containers under the Hood

Let’s talk about the underlying technology that enables containers under Linux, and build a container from scratch!

Building Container Images without a Dockerfile

Container images are just tarballs with a bit of configuration. Dockerfiles are just one option to create them.

WebAssembly Serverless Computing from Scratch

Humble proof of concept of a serverless computing platform in Node.js based on the idea of nanoprocesses.

Serverless Is Not Just Lambda

Let’s take a look at the serverless AWS offerings that will save us a lot of money and effort.

Java Concurrency Made Easy

About motivation for the project Loom and some boring concurrent code as a bonus.

A Note on Animation in Canvas with WebAssembly

Giving back control of the game rendering loop to the WebAssembly module. Partly.