Learning WebAssembly Series

A series of learning texts covering the first steps with WebAssembly for complete beginners.

2D Video Game in AssemblyScript Tutorial

How to build a web-based video game from scratch with HTML canvas and AssemblyScript.

Difference between POST, PUT, and PATCH

Practical guidelines for meaningful use of the modifying HTTP methods with examples.

My Favorite Esolangs

It’s Sunday, a perfect day to do something useless and impractical, yet beautiful, like esoteric programming languages.

Compiling to WebAssembly with Binaryen

Compile your own programming language to WebAssembly binary instruction format (Wasm) using Binaryen’s JavaScript API.

Rethinking API Versioning with Domain-Driven Design

How to manage breaking changes elegantly and get rid of version IDs for good by being nice to your clients.

React Custom Context Hook

Updatable React context Hook with custom logic in TypeScript.

Learning WebAssembly #10: Image Processing in AssemblyScript

WebAssembly is a great fit for image processing. We will manipulate image data with a simple Wasm function written in AssemblyScript and run it in the web browser.

Learning WebAssembly #7: Introducing WASI

Accessing operating system features from Wasm with examples in Wat.

Learning WebAssembly #6: Running Wasm in Node.js

Running Wasm code in Node.js, the popular backend platform.